Thursday, December 13, 2007

'Tis the season

The November meeting minutes were finally sent out to distribution yesterday. Thank you, Sue for getting them put together.

The December meeting / Christmas gathering will take place this coming Saturday (December 15th) at the home of Cindy Giese. Starting time is 6:00 PM, and directions were included in the minutes sent out yesterday.

This will be a pot luck event and b.y.o.b., so bring your favorite dish, a white elephant gift valued at twenty dollars or less, whatever you plan to drink, and a holiday attitude.

We have some things on the meeting agenda that have to get done. Your suggestions for the 2008 ride schedule will be collected so we can get that finalized and turned in to the STAR Touring and Riding Association Headquarters.
We also have a vote on the by-laws, and a vote for President and Vice-President.

January will be the beginning of our second year as an official chapter, and we all look forward to working out the kinks and watching our membership grow.

Have a great Christmas and New Year celebration.

Stay safe..

Sunday, October 28, 2007

October update

Like most of you, my focus has been extremely scattered this past month. With the days getting shorter, it seems like I am trying to squeeze more agenda items into that diminishing block of time between sunrise and darkness. Needless to say, I am not getting as much done as I would like.
We carried a lot of action items from the September meeting all the way through to the October meeting, so we have a lot on our plate to finish out the year.

Our January meeting will mark the beginning of our second year of existence as a Chapter, and it has been a great start. We have participated in some memorable events and rubbed elbows with some new friends and acquaintances over the past year, and the agenda for 2008 promises to be even better.

On November 17th, the day our next regular meeting is scheduled, there will be a”Feed the Children” food drop at the White Center Food Bank. Our Chapter will meet up at the Kitsap Bank / Port Orchard Marina parking lot at 7:00 am, and then ride to the Southworth Ferry to catch the 7:40 boat to Fauntleroy. We will have our Chapter Meeting during the crossing, and then ride to Renton Motor Sports where we will form up with all the other participating chapters to escort the truck to White Center. This is one of the reasons we ride as members of STAR Touring and Riding Association, and I am looking forward to participating in this event.

We are in the process of considering nominations for our 2008 Chapter Officers, and have put together a nominating committee which will meet this week to offer a list of members’ names. Of course, any member can offer a nomination, so I encourage everyone to participate. (Update: We did meet, and I will send out a brief description of our discussion.)

If you have any warm blankets, sleeping bags, or coats/jackets/sweaters that you are no longer using, please drop them off with Cindy at the Brother’s Power Sports in Bremerton. Cindy is involved in feeding the homeless, and your donations will be greatly appreciated.

Much more to come.

Ride safely.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September Ride

Our original ride was supposed to be to Hurricane Ridge, but Pete mentioned that the low clouds would likely obstruct any view we hoped to enjoy…so, after a brief discussion, we decided to have Jim Johnson lead us on the Purdy Canyon ride which had been previously abandoned due to weather.

Greg Sandstrom, Doug Mountjoy, Pete and Sue Inman, Dan Foy, Jeff and Anita Loehmer, “Dez” Deshotel, Richard Huff, and Dick Lamphere joined Jim Johnson for a total of nine motorcycles.

We rode along the canal as far as the Skokomish River, and then followed the river up to Highway 101 then past Shelton to the Little Creek Casino. We committed ourselves to the luncheon buffet, which was much better than “very good”.

From the casino, we rode to Allyn where we stopped to see Roy and Kris at “Twisted Angel Biker Wear”. They let us know that their winter hours will be week ends only, and they hope to be busy every week end until they get back to normal hours in the spring. They usually have a pot of coffee on, so plan to stop by when you are in their neighborhood.

A few of us stopped at Starbucks in Belfair, and the rest scattered for home. It was a good day to ride, and a great group to do it with.

Safety Training

Safety training scheduled for Sunday, September 16th has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update 9/10

Pete, Lonnie, Doug, and I got together for a social lunch at The Corner Deli in downtown Port Orchard today, and we had a free-for-all discussion regarding a number of topics that pertain to all of us (and you).

Our September Meeting will be this coming Saturday (9:00 AM at The Brother’s Power Sports in Bremerton) with a scheduled ride to Hurricane Ridge directly following the meeting. We have also planned to stop at the Seven Cedars Casino for a late lunch on the way back. Note: There is probably a fee to ride into the park on our way to Hurricane Ridge. I will check into that, and post a comment on the Yahoo Group.

On Sunday, September 16th we will convene on Pete and Sue’s place near Port Townsend for a 12:30 PM training session that we encourage everyone to attend. This gathering will address Road Captain, Tail Gunner, and Group Riding issues that will emphasize SAFETY. We will also have an opportunity to consume some groceries and visit with our remarkable co-members of Chapter 403.
The Port Orchard contingent will meet at, and leave from the Marina parking area. We will pull out at 11:00 AM Sunday morning to ride to Pete and Sue’s.
Please let us know if you plan to attend, so lunch can be properly planned.

We are already making plans for the ride to Post Falls, Idaho next June. If you plan to attend the NW Star-B-Q 2008, make sure you are part of the conversation now (when it counts).

There will be a State-wide meet-up of Star Touring and Riding members at Soap Lake next summer that promises to be great fun. It won’t be elaborately structured with side events or rides, but it will be an opportunity to rub elbows with some good folks we don’t bump into very frequently. Hey…it is a ride somewhere and back, and that is always a good thing.

Be safe out there...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Ride was fantastic

Our schedule was extended by about four hours with numerous extra stops, but the ride was as good as any we have had as a group.

We took the Kingston ferry to Edmonds, stopped in Leavenworth to wait for the straggler (Blaine Inman), had lunch in Cashmere at Rusty's Drive-in, wandered around Roslyn for an hour, and beat ourselves silly from there to highway 18. The I-90 portion of the trip was the least pleasant (especially the grooved pavement part) because the view goes by too quickly at 70 miles per hour, but that didn't detract from the rest of the trip.

I have a few pics that will get posted on our Yahoo Group, but my camera needs a tune-up, so I didn't get as many good photos as I would have liked. There were more cameras this trip, so perhaps some of those pics will get posted also.

For those who weren't able to participate in this ride, I highly recommend it. I know it will show up on the schedule next year, so plan to be there.

Thanks to everyone who did show up.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Ride is on

The weather should be perfect for our three pass ride this coming Saturday, so get your grin on.

The Port Orchard riders will be meeting at Brother’s around 7:00 AM or so, and the plan is to leave from there for the Kingston ferry dock by 7:15 AM.

We will meet at the ferry dock at 8:00 AM to ensure that we all make it on board the 8:35 AM departure for Edmonds. If anyone is planning to accompany the group in a vehicle rather than motorcycle, let us know ahead of time so we keep you informed regarding scheduled stops.

Using our arrival at Kingston at 8:00 AM as the starting point, we will cover approximately 290 riding miles in about eight and a half hours (including two one hour stops). Leavenworth will show up on the highway at 11:15 AM or so, and that will probably be our first major stop. The next major stop will be North Bend at somewhere around 2:00 PM. At that point, we will have about 220 riding miles behind us. North Bend to Port Orchard is about 70 miles, so the last leg won’t be too rough.

Make sure you bring sun glasses for that last stretch in case we hit I-90 later than I expect. The setting sun can be brutal going west. Bring money for the 50/50 also.

Pete and I are hoping that someone (Bill Culbertson or Doug Mountjoy) will show up that can guide us through Edmonds to Monroe without using too much freeway. There will be about 50 miles of I-90 that we can’t avoid.

Comments, questions and suggestions are encouraged over at the Yahoo Group.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wisdom shared by Sue

I spent some time going through my pictures this morning (everything related to Star Touring and Riding), and it came to mind that Pete, Sue, John, Lonnie, and Marty spend a lot of time riding to where ever we are going to meet they can ride some more...with us. I know they all enjoy riding as much as anyone, but they also have busy lives outside our club.

I just got an email from Sue that put it all in perspective for me:


When things in your life seem almost too much too
handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough,
remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had
some items in front of him.

When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very
large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill
it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the
jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and
poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the
golf balls. He then asked the students again if the
jar was full they agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured
i t into the jar . Of course, the sand filled up
everything else. He asked once more if the jar was
full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from
under the table and poured the entire contents into
the jar, effectively filling the empty space between
the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
"I want you to recognize that this jar represents
your life. The golf balls are the important things-
your God, family, your children, your health, your
friends, and your favorite passions--things that if
everything else was lost and only they remained your
life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your
job, your house, and your car.

The sand is everything else -- the small stuff.

If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued,
"there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life. If you spend all your time
and energy on the small stuff, you will never have
room for the things that are important to you.

Pay attention to the things that are critical to your
happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get
medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.
Play another 18. There will always be time to clean
the house and fix the disposal."

Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that
really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what
the coffee represented.

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just
goes to show you that no matter how full your life may
seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of
coffee with a friend."

Please share this with someone you care about.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

STAR-B-Q Update

I don’t know what anyone else thought about the NW STAR-B-Q at Little Creek Casino, but this was my first one…and I really enjoyed myself. I took a lot of pictures that will get posted on our Yahoo Group, and I took a lot of pictures that won’t get posted there because some didn’t turn out (some did, but they have to await the censor’s rating).

The vendors brought a lot of Star accessories and apparel for the happy bikers to spend their money on, and I certainly spent my share. The Brother’s Power Sports marked everything down 50%, and that allowed me to get in touch with my inner female side (just can’t pass up a fifty percent sale). I picked up a couple items that would have been out of my normal budget range, so I was able to support the STAR-B-Q event, kick in for the Autism Society of Washington (the NW STAR-B-Q featured charity), and indulge myself with some new goodies for my bike on a limited amount of cash. It was all good.

My overall impression of this entire experience is that it was well worth the time and effort to attend. The Little Creek Casino continues to be one of my favorites (location and food), and they gave us a lot of room to be who we are.

I always enjoy the company of our 403 members, and it was great to finally meet the gal that rides that cool chopper (Jan). We got to mingle with Star Touring and Riding Association members from all over the Northwest, and there wasn’t an unfriendly face in the lot of them.

We already have the flier for the 2008 NW STAR-B-Q to be held on June 27-28 in Post Falls, Idaho, so I am working on a new budget for that event. Star Touring and Riding, Spokane Chapter 174 will be our hosts, so mark your calendars.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Meeting update

We had an excellent gathering this morning, and actually made some headway on Chapter Business. I have a couple items to verify for the minutes, and they will be on the way to the distribution list.

We voted in three new Chapter Members (Dana, Lon, and Dan), and welcomed two new meeting attendees whom we hope will enjoy our company as much as we enjoy ourselves. It is always exciting to bring new members into the group, and we expect to see more as the word gets out during our first year as an official STAR Chapter.

We have set aside the Cape Flattery ride to once again attempt the Three Pass Ride. Instead of a regular meeting on August 18th, we will be meeting at the Kingston Ferry Terminal at 8:00 AM to begin the ride, and we will have a brief official meeting enroute to Edmonds. This promises to be an awesome ride, so make plans to participate. Maybe the weather will cooperate this time. More discussion will take place on the Yahoo Group (link is on the sidebar), so throw your two cents in.

Our after meeting ride turned out well. We made it to Belfair without any rain, but it looked mighty dark the direction we were, we went to Jimmy D's for breakfast, and Greg took us for a pleasant ride out to the end of Key Peninsula. The ride Jim Johnson started us on (Purdy Canyon) is one I would still like to do, so we can make it a lunch run to either Shelton or the Little Creek...keep it in mind.

Next week end is the Ocean Shores Sun and Surf event. It is too late to pre-register, but you can register at the Ocean Shores Convention Center on Thursday or Friday. If you are interested in checking it out, go to the website here.

I am looking forward to the NorthWest STAR-B-Q...

Stay safe, and let us know what is on your mind at the Yahoo Group.

Monday, July 16, 2007

After Meeting Ride

The scheduled ride for Saturday is Mount St. Helens, but the chance of overcast is high so we have discussed an alternate ride that will take us to Jimmy D's in Belfair for coffee or breakfast, then around the canal to Purdy Canyon Road which will take us to Highway 101 past Shelton to the Mcleary cutoff where we will stop at the Little Creek Casino for lunch. From there, we will head back to Shelton, and return through Allyn (with a possible stop at Twisted Angel Biker Wear to say Hi to Kris and Roy).

Stop by the Yahoo Group to comment.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Escorting the Dignity Wall

We met at Shari’s on Sunday morning so some of the STAR riders could grab a bite to eat before we headed for the Foss High School parking lot in Tacoma. I was surprised at the number of bikes already sitting there when I pulled into the restaurant, and I had passed two large groups sitting in other parking areas along the way. It promised to be a well attended event.

As we pulled out of Shari’s headed east on Highway 16, we had picked up at least one extra motorcycle in our group. It was a quick trip to Foss High School (would have been even quicker if we had paid attention to the guy holding the sign that told us to turn in on the road he was standing next to…we didn’t), and we rode into a parking lot that resembled a biker ant-hill. I am pretty sure I have never before stood in the middle of so many bikes and leather-clad bikers in my life, and the bikes just continued to pour in behind us.

We turned in our ride waivers, and were rewarded with a nice pin and the opportunity to pick up a beautiful t-shirt commemorating the Dignity Wall. Hundreds of bikers were wandering around the truck that contained the wall, looking at the art work and the dangerous looking Chihuahua standing over the steering wheel. Handshakes and hugs were being exchanged by new acquaintances and old friends, and the air was charged with a feeling that this was a moment to be remembered. Thanks to the camera packers, a good portion of it will also be shared.

After we all gathered to listen to the ride organizer talk about how the ride would be conducted, everyone found a place to fall in behind the truck as it pulled out of the parking lot, and the ride to escort the Dignity Wall was underway.

Our group managed to stay together in the midst of the massive grouping of escort bikes, and we found ourselves far enough behind the truck that we frequently lost sight of it, but still somewhere in the middle of the group. At one point along Highway 16, there were only motorcycles as far as I could see in front and behind us…it was awesome.

When we arrived at Miller-Woodlawn Cemetery, everything slowed to a crawl as each rider found a parking spot. It was slow, but actually well organized and smooth. I doubt that the permanent residents of that well manicured facility were even aware of our presence.

The final event for the participating riders was a complimentary Salmon Bake feed at the Suquamish Tribal Center. This was also well attended, and the food was excellent. Our thanks go out to the tribe for their honor and appreciation of all Veterans.

The next step in this ongoing event is to visit the Dignity Wall next week end after it is open to the public. If you are so inclined, and available, your volunteer help to get it set up and ready for visitors would probably be greatly appreciated. Contact Miller-Woodlawn if you are interested.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Escorting the Wall

The STAR Touring and Riding Association, Bremerton, Washington Chapter 403 members participating in this escort event plan to meet at Shari's by 7:30 AM (at the Highway 16 Sedgwick exit close to Port Orchard) for breakfast and/or coffee prior to leaving for Tacoma. We will depart Shari's around 8:30 AM for the thirty minute ride to Foss High School.

The following info is from the ABATE website:

July 8th.

There will be a motorcycle escort from Tacoma to Bremerton on Sunday.

DEPARTURE 10:00 am


Then it will be on display the following weekend.

FRI-SUN July 13-15 2007

The Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall.
Created in 1990, this three-quarter-scale, 240-foot traveling replica of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in WA DC is coming to Bremerton to Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home & Memorial Park (5505 Kitsap Way, Bremerton).
This faux-granite replica is dedicated to all Americans who served in Vietnam and honors all servicemen and women of the United States military forces.
Each year the replica criss-crosses the country, allowing millions of visitors to see and touch its black, mirror-like surface inscribed with the names of more than 58,000 Americans who died or are missing in Vietnam. Every exhibition is sponsored by a local Dignity Memorial provider, with the help and support of area veterans groups and civic organizations. The exhibit is not a commercial venture. Dignity Memorial network providers have been extremely sensitive to this issue. We provide our replica to communities at no cost. We do not solicit, nor do we record the names of those who visit the exhibit, and an admission fee is never charged.

Website To Volunteer to help set-up or for more information contact:
360-377-7648 Or (Miller-Woodlawn)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Serious Update

President Pete and I managed to get together this week for a long overdue face-to-face, and the push is underway to get me back on track.

I found out that the Three Passes Ride scheduled for the May meeting day was cancelled due to weather, and we will be trying to come up with a good date to make that ride. It will consume an entire day, but it is undoubtedly one of the most scenic rides on our schedule.

The Steel Dreams ride went off as scheduled, and it was greatly enjoyed by those participating. Pete can’t stop slobbering when he talks about all the great food that was available at Skagit PowerSports (Chapter 154s sponsor), and how well received all the riders were.

The ride to Joseph, Oregon over the Memorial Day Week end had some chilly spots, but Pete indicated that it was a good ride.

The midnight ride around Mt. Rainier has dropped from the agenda because the roads are still closed from the devastating storm damage throughout the park.

There will be an event on Saturday, June 30 that promises to be an excellent make-up for some of the things we have missed. An invitation has gone out to Chapters 323, 350, and 403 to meet-up for a scenic ride through the Port Townsend end of the Olympic Peninsula with a hamburger feed at Marty Peterson’s.
Pete has asked us to meet-up at the Hilltop Market on highway 3 between Silverdale and the Hood Canal Bridge (much closer to the bridge) at 11:00 AM, and proceed as a group from there. If you have questions or comments, go to the Yahoo Group and join the discussion…or email/call one of the other members.

The Poker Run is still on for the 24th (this coming Sunday), and one or two more volunteers are needed to man a checkpoint for a few hours. You must be at Brothers PowerSports by 8:00AM.

I hope you are all enjoying the great weather we have had recently, and I hope it holds up for all our scheduled events.

Stay safe…

Richard Huff
Secretary, Chapter 403

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Whispering into the dark

I guess it isn't difficult to see that I have been out of the loop for a while. After eye surgery in April, I spent a couple weeks recovering, and then made my annual trek to Eastern Washington to open up my place in Okanogan County. Two weeks over there to get some outdoor building done, and I am slowly working my way back into life on the west side.

I know there have been a lot of things going on with our club members, and Pete and Sue have been getting some info out via email and the Yahoo Group, so I will spend some time getting up to speed, and put up a post that is more informative on upcoming events.

Stay safe...


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Not much of an update

I missed the April monthly meeting due to circumstances beyond my control, so I am struggling to get caught up.

Doug Mountjoy presided over the meeting, and asked one of the members to take notes so we would have minutes to record and send out, but he can't remember who he asked. If you were the lucky transcriber, please email what you ended up with to Doug so we can fill in the huge blank spot for April.

If anyone who attended the meet-up at Little Creek would like to write up a blurb about that, it would be greatly appreciated. That can be shared at the Yahoo Group, which is beginning to see more participation each week. Timm Gleason worked up some ideas for our logo, and posted the files in the group area for all to see and comment on. If you aren't in the habit of visiting the group, please make it a point to do so.

President Pete and WingNut (John Galle) made the trek from Port Townsend to Port Orchard on Wednesday past to visit, and I met them for dinner at Los Cabos. Doug showed up and invited us to check out his new home which is floating dockside at the marina. His garage isn't very big, but the sailboat is a beauty.

I noticed this morning (too late) that Chris Scott put out an invite on the group for anyone interested to join him in a ride to Tacoma for the Hot Rod and Bike Show today. I hope someone joined him as it has been an awesome day for riding.

That's it for now...stay safe.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The smell of leather...

Pete recently talked to the VP for Chapter 154, and some Dealership Visit Rides are in the works. This will give all of us an opportunity to get some face time with other Chapters, and show some support for the dealerships that are sponsoring our organization.

We are trying to figure out how to get some interaction on our Yahoo Group with members from all the other WA Chapters, and that will, hopefully, happen soon.

In the meantime, here are some links to visit often:

A ride list for the following chapters

NW CASCADESChapter 154
Burlington, WA

EASTSIDE Chapter 219
Woodinville, WA

PUGET SOUND Chapter 147
Lynnwood, WA

OLYMPIA Chapter 323
Olympia, WA

RENTON Chapter 350
Renton, WA

Note: The links to Chapter Websites are also on the side bar.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Are we having fun yet?

The meet-up at Clearwater was attended by Pete, Sue, Greg, Diana, and Richard who all banded together to enjoy the all-you-can-eat buffet. Greg and Diana were the only ones who cycled in, but we all enjoyed the meet-up.

We had one member who rode to the casino for the meet-up, but had the get there time as 1:00 PM. He arrived early and left before the rest of us set up camp at the front entrance. He was understandably upset that he missed the rest of us, and I also wish it had been otherwise. We do what we can to get the right info out there, but I doubt this will be the last cross-up we have. All I can say is…check the blog and the Yahoo Group a day or two in advance of each event to verify the times and places. It will ALWAYS be in writing at one or both places.

Each of us has to take some responsibility for knowing what is going on. There will be times when the verbal information given out at a meeting is incorrect, and the best venue we have to make corrections is the distribution list, as well as the blog and Yahoo Group. If you have any doubt about an issue or event, check with some of the other members until you are satisfied that you have the correct info.

In the meantime, keep the rubber on the road and the shiny side up.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Meet-up at Clearwater Casino for lunch/coffee/whatever at 2:00PM.
Ride or drive (whatever the weather dictates), but we look forward to your wonderful company. Stay safe...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Scheduled rides

The following list of rides have been submitted as our tentative ride schedule for 2007:

April 21 (Meeting)...Little Creek Casino

May 19 (Meeting)...3 passes (Stevens, Blewett, and Snoqualmie)

May 26, 27 and 28...Enterprise, Oregon*

June 16 (Meeting)...Steel Dreams in Burlington

June 30...Midnite run around Mount Rainier**

July 21 (Meeting)...Mount St. Helens

August 3, 4, and 5...Northwest Star-B-Q at Little Creek Casino

August 18 (Meeting)...Cape Flattery

September 15 (Meeting)...Oyster Run

October 20 (Meeting)...OctoberFest in Leavenworth

* First night at Motel 6 in Clarkston, WA, and second night at Ponderosa Motel in Enterprise. More information is available for those planning to go on this ride.
** There will be a designated place to form up for this ride, possibly the 410 Cafe in Buckley, but more info will be forthcoming.

We are also in the process of putting together a series of "Lunch Destination" rides that will consume most of a day. Some of our members are only available to participate on Sundays and Mondays, so we will try to accomodate them as much as possible.

Please send Richard Huff an email listing the days of the week you are available to participate in rides, and we will work with you.

Next Meet-up

We have scheduled a meet-up for April Fool's Day at the Clearwater Casino. The plan is to meet somewhere in the parking area, and wander inside for an informal lunch. We haven't set anything up with the casino, so we are taking a chance that we can find an area that will seat all of those showing up. What the's supposed to be an adventure...right?

If Pete has anything to add, we'll put it up here or on the Yahoo Group. If you haven't joined the Yahoo Group, do it now. We will be using it to post pictures, links, and all discussions.

Stay safe...

Friday, March 16, 2007

March meeting

Our March meeting is Saturday, March 17th (Saint Patrick's Day) at 0900 with a short ride and taco feed to follow.

If , for some obscure reason, you find yourself unable to attend the meeting, but can make it to the taco feed, we will be at Greg and Diana's around 11:00 if the weather lets us take a short ride, and earlier if it is raining.

The address is 3990 Huckleberry Road in SW Port Orchard (off Lake Helena Road). If you need directions, and don't attend the meeting, call 876-2571.

No matter what, ride safe!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Head Count needed

For the Taco Feed at Greg and Diana's following the March meeting.

I will send an email out with Greg and Diana's email address so you can respond directly.

We will collect a $5.00 contribution for this event.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


We had a good meeting yesterday, although attendance was a little less than we had expected. I will have the minutes completed, and sent out to the distribution list as soon as possible.

We set up a ride committee to get the ride agenda underway. We have to develop an agenda for the year to submit to the National office, and we are going to develop an annual ride that we can call our own to use as a promotion for the charity we have adopted as our own. I will devote a post to that later.

A special congratulation to Jean Sanders who has agreed to be our LOS Rep. There are a lot of women out there riding, and we hope to welcome some of them into our organization. Jean will sit on the Executive Board, and we are proud to have her there.

Our Yahoo Group has already become active, and it looks like it is going to work better than I had hoped.

After the meeting yesterday, Greg Sandstrom (our Sergeant-At-Arms) put on his Road Captain hat, and led us on a ride that went through Shelton, and over to the Little Creek Casino (where the Northwest Star-B-Q will be held in August). We enjoyed a fantastic breakfast/lunch before heading back toward home. The Port Townsend contingent (including our Tail Gunner, John Galle) broke away to head up to their neck of the woods while the rest of us enjoyed the ride home along the canal and through Belfair.

Brothers Power Sports (our sponsor) is running a special for our members that includes 25% off the cost of all V-Star accessories in stock, 10% off for special orders on V-Star accessories, and 10% off all other accessories in the store. If you can think of something you need or want for your scooter, this might be a good time to consider that purchase. In any case, take the time to thank them for providing a place for us to meet, as well as donuts, juice and coffee. We appreciate their generosity.
Stay safe.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

In the meantime

I am still putting the meeting information and ride together before I post it here, but I have taken a suggestion from Christopher to set up a place to exchange comments that is a little easier than the blog. The link is, so take some time to go over there and get the discussion rolling. I will post the link on the sidebar of the blog with our other favorites.

If you don't have a yahoo account, you will probably have to fill out the profile (it is free). I checked out a couple other free forums, but I am familiar with yahoo groups, and I think this will work well for us. You can opt to have every post sent to your email address, so you will know when there is something new posted on the group.

If you didn't make the meeting this morning, we missed you.

Slapper took down the 50/50...way to go, Girl.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pete's comment

Pete left a comment on the last post saying that we will attempt a ride after the meeting Saturday.
I checked the weather prediction for the week on Yahoo, and they say it will be warm and cloudy.
Make sure your insurance is paid up, and be prepared to show your valid endorsement. We will get our required ride waivers filled out for the year.
Remember to fill your gas tank before you get to the meeting.

Stay safe.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

We ARE official

Pete let us know yesterday that our charter has been signed by the folks at STAR International, so Bremerton, WA Chapter 403 is officially official. Now we can concentrate on all the fun things ahead.
He also said that our patches should be showing up sometime in March.

Have you checked out the message boards on the STAR website? There is a lot of good information being shared about upcoming events, and tech related stuff for every model of star bike out there. It you haven’t gone in there to see what is available, you should. It is there for you to use and enjoy.

Keep the shiny side up…

Friday, February 9, 2007

After thought

After the meet-up at Jimmy D's, some of us took a short jaunt down to Allyn to check out the biker wear shop. We were pleased to find a lot of basic items at a great price, and I am sure that each of us will go back to buy something we need.

Kris and Roy are the owners of the shop, and they are good people. When you get the itch to dust off the bike, make sure Allyn is on your list of places to visit.

Need patches sewn on? Bring your stuff to Twisted Angel (they are in the same building as the chainsaw art).

Stay safe...

Monday, February 5, 2007

New Links

Larry and Mona Hering will be riding to Laughlin, Nevada for the 2007 Laughlin River Run (April 25th-29th), and they are looking for interested riders to go along. If you are thinking about going, leave a comment here, or let Richard Huff know, and we'll get all the details for you.

If you aren't familiar with this event, there is a new link on the sidebar that will take you to the website. Check out the photo galleries.

The link to the NorthWest Star-B-Q is also there for those of you planning ahead.

I am sure we will talk about these events at the February meeting, but you don't have to wait to get more information.

We also have the links to our family of Star Chapters in Washington State (that we could find links for), so check them out.

Stay safe...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The gathering was good

The meet-up at Jimmy D’s was a total success! We had more than twenty people show up, and it was another great opportunity to put names and faces together. The staff at Jimmy D’s did an excellent job of setting up an exclusive area for us, and the service was top notch.

Pete talked about the need to develop a ride schedule for the year (each chapter is required to do this), so we will ask for some volunteers to serve on the “Ride Committee” (three to five members would be perfect).

Bill Culbertson agreed to step into the Treasurer position, so we are one step closer to being organized. We will also need one of the ladies to be our LOS Representative, so keep that in mind, and let Pete or Sue know if you are interested.

Our next meet-up has been scheduled for March 17 (right after the March meeting) at Greg and Diana Sandstrom’s in Port Orchard. The details will be forthcoming.

Stay safe…

Monday, January 29, 2007

Regarding comments

The comments area at the bottom of each post allows anyone to comment on that particular post, or anything else they want to comment on. We have set it up this way to encourage our friends and associates to have their say.
Unfortunately, it is also a prime target for spammers trying to direct your attention to their own blogs or websites, so please keep this simple rule in mind:
If a comment appears that contains a link , and you are not familiar with the person commenting, Do Not Click The Link. We will remove spam comments as quickly as possible.

Ride Safely...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Meet-up at Jimmy D's in Belfair

Our next meet-up will be Sunday, February 4 at 10:00 AM.

This is simply an opportunity to get together for coffee and/or breakfast, and get to know each other a little better before we plunge into the riding season ahead.

We haven't planned a ride for this event because there are numerous safety issues to address (weather, road conditions, waivers, etc.) prior to conducting official rides, but most of us will let the weather determine how we get there and back.

Our past meet-ups have been very small groups, but this one could see around twenty we will check with Jimmy D's to ensure their ability to accomodate our group at that time. If there is a problem, we will post the addional information right here, so check back often.

This event is definitely on. We are on their schedule as of Friday, so see you there!

Until then, stay safe.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We are official

As soon as STAR International approves.

We held our first official meeting, signed our charter, and we are officially planning our Spring Break-out event to get the riding season going for Chapter 403.

Pete Inman will serve as our Chapter President.
Doug Mountjoy will serve as our Chapter Vice-President.
Richard Huff will serve as our Chapter Secretary.
Greg Sandstrom will serve as our Sergeant At Arms.
John Galle will serve as our STAR Vet Representative.

We still have some positions to fill before we are fully staffed, but we are over the hump, and it should be slightly down hill from here on.

We had 48 attendees for our inaugral meeting, and many from other Chapters showed up to be a part of Chapter 403's creation. I am really looking forward to this coming summer.

We should have a date for the meet-up at Jimmy D's in Belfair any day now, and I will get it posted here as soon as we do.

Stay safe, and keep checking in for updates.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Our meet-up at the Chimacum Café was a two hour coffee and breakfast get together that went very well for the three duffers that attended. Pete Inman (of course), Doug Mountjoy, and Richard Huff enjoyed the food and hospitality of the well known eating establishment, and equally enjoyed the company and conversation.

We talked about holding the next meet-up at Jimmy D’s in Belfair, but we haven’t selected a date for that one yet. Since our Charter Meeting will be held on January 20th, we will probably push the next meet-up out past that date. Our initial purpose for meet-ups was to mingle with potential members of the Star Touring and Riding Association, and allow them to get a feel for the organization before we convene the Charter Meeting for Bremerton Chapter 403. We will continue to do this in the future, but the opportunity to come in as a charter member of Chapter 403 will only happen once (January 20th), so we have been trying to include as many interested riders as possible.

This coming summer promises to be filled with rides and events for Chapter 403 (we are unofficially planning our little hearts out), and the primary goal is to have a wonderful time…safely.

Much more to come… until then, stay safe.