Saturday, September 15, 2007

September Ride

Our original ride was supposed to be to Hurricane Ridge, but Pete mentioned that the low clouds would likely obstruct any view we hoped to enjoy…so, after a brief discussion, we decided to have Jim Johnson lead us on the Purdy Canyon ride which had been previously abandoned due to weather.

Greg Sandstrom, Doug Mountjoy, Pete and Sue Inman, Dan Foy, Jeff and Anita Loehmer, “Dez” Deshotel, Richard Huff, and Dick Lamphere joined Jim Johnson for a total of nine motorcycles.

We rode along the canal as far as the Skokomish River, and then followed the river up to Highway 101 then past Shelton to the Little Creek Casino. We committed ourselves to the luncheon buffet, which was much better than “very good”.

From the casino, we rode to Allyn where we stopped to see Roy and Kris at “Twisted Angel Biker Wear”. They let us know that their winter hours will be week ends only, and they hope to be busy every week end until they get back to normal hours in the spring. They usually have a pot of coffee on, so plan to stop by when you are in their neighborhood.

A few of us stopped at Starbucks in Belfair, and the rest scattered for home. It was a good day to ride, and a great group to do it with.

Safety Training

Safety training scheduled for Sunday, September 16th has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update 9/10

Pete, Lonnie, Doug, and I got together for a social lunch at The Corner Deli in downtown Port Orchard today, and we had a free-for-all discussion regarding a number of topics that pertain to all of us (and you).

Our September Meeting will be this coming Saturday (9:00 AM at The Brother’s Power Sports in Bremerton) with a scheduled ride to Hurricane Ridge directly following the meeting. We have also planned to stop at the Seven Cedars Casino for a late lunch on the way back. Note: There is probably a fee to ride into the park on our way to Hurricane Ridge. I will check into that, and post a comment on the Yahoo Group.

On Sunday, September 16th we will convene on Pete and Sue’s place near Port Townsend for a 12:30 PM training session that we encourage everyone to attend. This gathering will address Road Captain, Tail Gunner, and Group Riding issues that will emphasize SAFETY. We will also have an opportunity to consume some groceries and visit with our remarkable co-members of Chapter 403.
The Port Orchard contingent will meet at, and leave from the Marina parking area. We will pull out at 11:00 AM Sunday morning to ride to Pete and Sue’s.
Please let us know if you plan to attend, so lunch can be properly planned.

We are already making plans for the ride to Post Falls, Idaho next June. If you plan to attend the NW Star-B-Q 2008, make sure you are part of the conversation now (when it counts).

There will be a State-wide meet-up of Star Touring and Riding members at Soap Lake next summer that promises to be great fun. It won’t be elaborately structured with side events or rides, but it will be an opportunity to rub elbows with some good folks we don’t bump into very frequently. Hey…it is a ride somewhere and back, and that is always a good thing.

Be safe out there...