Thursday, December 13, 2007

'Tis the season

The November meeting minutes were finally sent out to distribution yesterday. Thank you, Sue for getting them put together.

The December meeting / Christmas gathering will take place this coming Saturday (December 15th) at the home of Cindy Giese. Starting time is 6:00 PM, and directions were included in the minutes sent out yesterday.

This will be a pot luck event and b.y.o.b., so bring your favorite dish, a white elephant gift valued at twenty dollars or less, whatever you plan to drink, and a holiday attitude.

We have some things on the meeting agenda that have to get done. Your suggestions for the 2008 ride schedule will be collected so we can get that finalized and turned in to the STAR Touring and Riding Association Headquarters.
We also have a vote on the by-laws, and a vote for President and Vice-President.

January will be the beginning of our second year as an official chapter, and we all look forward to working out the kinks and watching our membership grow.

Have a great Christmas and New Year celebration.

Stay safe..